Our Team

Danielle Karo-Atar

Principal Investigator

Danielle is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University. She is a Zuckerman Faculty Scholar and her research focuses on understanding mechanisms of intestinal resilience and immunity at the host-helminth interface.

Danielle pursued her PhD at Tel-Aviv University, under the supervision of Dr. Ariel Munitz, studying type-2 immune responses in the lung. Following an exciting experience in industry she realized that her passion lays with academic research. Therefore, she ventured far to the freezing and beautiful city of Montreal, Canada, where she trained at McGill University under the mentorship of Dr. Irah King in the field of immuno-parasitology. It was then she found great fascination with host-pathogen interactions.

Outside of the lab, she enjoys hiking, swimming and raising 3 little monkeys.      

Noa Van Gelder

undergraduate research trainee

Noa is a second year undergraduate student currently working in the ImmunoParasitology lab investigating mechanisms of barrier integrity during helminth infections

Michael Karasik

undergraduate research trainee

Michael is a third year undergraduate student currently working in the ImmunoParasitology lab investigating the function of Paneth cells during helminth infections

We are currently recruiting at all levels!

We are looking for self motivated, biology loving curios individuals to join our exploration of host-pathogen interaction.